Loved because you are loved - Handwritten 5 X 7

Loved because you are loved - Handwritten 5 X 7


5 X 7
Handwritten on cardstock paper

Every print comes with a sticker.

and i hope
you begin to see
And believe that
You are loved
because you are loved
and there is room
for you because
You are here.

Every print will look different, but similar to the photo.

Prints will be mailed in an envelope.
Prints may become wrinkled and dented while being shipped.
But that might make them look cooler.

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A Prayer for Rest- Handwritten 5 X 7 FullSizeRender_VSCO 28.JPG

A Prayer for Rest- Handwritten 5 X 7

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There is Hope- Handwritten 5 X 7

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Keep Going - Handwritten 5 X 7

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Hold Fast - Handwritten 5 X 7

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Slow me down - Handwritten 5 X 7
