The final installment of 12 Words for 2020.
As 2020 comes to it’s long awaited end I am met with the word wait.
I chose this word over a year ago, long before we knew what this year would bring.
And this year brought it.
As it turns out, wait has been written in bold throughout the past 12 months.
The answer I’ve never enjoyed receiving, but the one I’ve often needed the most.
I used to hear this word as a command, but these days I am hearing it as an invitation.
An invitation to sit with the silence.
An invitation to wrestle with the wonder.
An invitation to breathe and be.
The church is currently celebrating and observing the season of Advent.
Advent is the season of preparation leading up to Christmas, when we celebrate the arrival of Christ.
It is the season of expectancy, preparation, and longing.
Expecting for the Messiah to arrive.
Preparing for the Messiah to arrive.
Longing for the Messiah to arrive.
And then, when we least expect it, Christ is revealed.
Change arrives.
Christ meets our hopes, fears, and waiting only to change our story for the better.
Truthfully, I am ready to celebrate Advent and the season of Christmas.
I’ve been waiting all year.
I need to sit in this season of expecting, preparing, and longing.
I need to marvel at the mystery and look forward to the arrival of eternal hope.
I need to … wait.
I’ve learned that growth takes place in the waiting as we are stretched, pulled, and pushed to our limits.
As frustrating and painful as this can be, it is certainly not for nothing.
There is something for us in the waiting and this is most clearly seen in the rearview mirror.
We look back and see how God has been and continues to be moving and working and orchestrating all things for our good while we wait.
Waiting is an invitation to sit with hope as we long for the answer to arrive.
And so I will continue to wait.
As I wait I will trust.
As I wait I will wonder.
As I wait I will remember.
I’ll remember that through it all He has been good.
And good is who He will continue to be.
I will wait.
I will wait with my eyes on heaven.
2021 will be here before we know it.
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