this is what i'll be praying
Written to Speak Daily Blog. Written by Tanner Olson.
joy is what i’ll cling to
hope is what i’ll sing
faith is what will move me
and it is love that you
continue to bring
written to speak // blog // @writtentospeak
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Yesterday our church celebrated Palm Sunday.
We remembered Jesus’ triumphant entry as He rides into Jerusalem on the back of donkey.
Of course this is what Jesus does.
He does everything different.
A King enters in humility to the sounds of cheering voices, a shout of celebration and truth.
The people yell, Hosanna.
This means, save us.
Save us.
They have heard the stories of how Jesus has changed the lives of countless individuals and
now they beg Him to do this to theirs.
And He does.
But it doesn’t happen how we think it will, just like we didn’t expect Jesus to arrive on the back of a donkey.
In the days leading up to Good Friday and Easter I do not want to forget to say Hosanna.
This week I’ll be praying Hosanna.
Save us.
much love,
tanner olson
written to speak
Tanner Olson is a writer, speaker, poet, spoken-word artist, & creator of Written to Speak.
He created Written to Speak to share hope & announce love.