but what about the in-between
Written to Speak Daily Blog. Written by Tanner Olson.
i look back and see
the in-between prepared me
for where i want to be
but only when i met
the in-between with
trust and surrendering.
written to speak // blog // @writtentospeak
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Sunday was Palm Sunday.
Thursday is Maundy Thursday.
Friday is Good Friday.
Saturday we wait.
Another in-between.
And on Sunday, we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection.
These dates are circled in red and marked with a story that forever changes our story.
But what about the in-between?
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.
What about the days following Palm Sunday and before Maundy Thursday?
I wonder what was going through the heart and mind of Jesus?
And how would the disciples look back on those days after they saw their King hanging on a cross?
Those days were not for nothing, but certainly they were for something.
If you ask me, following Jesus during the in-between sounds a lot like the everyday living of life.
Not everyday is filled with great adventure or a holiday that gathers family and friends.
Weddings and funerals seem to come with the seasons.
Vacation, for most, comes once a year.
The dates circled in red are few and far between, but the days between are many.
The in-between.
And recently I’ve been finding beauty in the in-between.
I’m learning there is beauty in the mundane and purpose in the in-between.
These are not throw away days, but days for growth, rest, and remembering.
These days give depth to our story.
And I’m beginning to see that the in-between is not lived in darkness, but in light.
And it is in the light that I see a mighty hope remaining constant, even among wonder, waiting, and honest questions.
After all, Jesus came to save the world.
He came for Palm Sunday and Maundy Thursday.
He certainly came to this world for Good Friday and Easter Sunday.
But He did not overlook the in-between.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday were not for nothing, but, as Friday and Sunday will beautifully show us, He came to this world for a great something.
To save the world.
Not just part of it.
But all of it.
much love,
tanner olson
written to speak
Tanner Olson is a writer, speaker, poet, spoken-word artist, & creator of Written to Speak.
He created Written to Speak to share hope & announce love.