We are about 7 months into this Pandemic journey.
A whirlwind of change, low highs and lower lows has driven me to a place of exhaustion and wondering.
And worry.
And fear.
And numbness.
Maybe you’re there too.
When the pandemic began I told myself a few things:
Let’s get into shape! (this did not happen)
Let’s read that stack of books! (and this did not happen)
Let’s learn some new skills! (nope)
Let’s turn off the tv! (of course not)
If I were to grade myself on how I’ve handled this Pandemic, I would not have made the Honor Roll. I would have been asked to be seen after class.
And you know what?
That’s okay.
This is my first pandemic.
Hopefully my last.
And I need to be quick to remember grace.
Grace remains and grace continues.
And so will I.
As this year begins to come to a close, I’m not searching for comfort or hope.
Comfort has proven to be overrated and I am holding onto hope.
What I am looking for, I believe, is change to combat the constant change.
In a year that continues to take and re-shape and create tension, it’s time for me to surrender.
To leave the fight, hold my hands high, and surrender.
Surrendering is not a cowardly act.
And if it is, consider me a coward.
These past few months have left me exhausted.
In some ways I feel like a shell of myself.
In other ways I feel like I am becoming a person I do not want to become.
And some days I feel like a baby restlessly squirming in the arms of his father.
But I am in the arms of my Father.
Where else would I rather be?
It’s time I surrender.
It’s time to rest and remember there is life in the surrender.
There is life in the surrender.
2021 will be here before we know it.
Click the button below to download your 12 Words for 2021 print.
Tanner Olson is a writer, speaker, poet, spoken-word artist, & creator of Written to Speak.
He created Written to Speak to spread hope & announce love.