My back laid flat as my eyes watched the sky slowly come alive.
The sun dipped as the clouds passed, clearing the stage for its shine.
And I stared deep into the dark, watching the stars hang still in the space they would light bright.
There are only a few things more beautiful than a summer night.
I sat still in the silence and remembered I didn’t always have to be moving, but I could just be.
I could just breathe.
I could watch the stars hang from the hands of heaven.
I could listen to the sounds of silence under the glow of the moonlight.
I could exhale easy and let go of what I’ve been holding tight.
I could be right where I was without wanting or needing to be somewhere or someone else.
I could be still.
And the stillness continues to call.
And one day, I’ll be brave enough to accept the invitation to simply be still and breathe free.
And all I want is to be still and breathe free.
But for some reason, I’m still moving.
.. .. ..
With hope,
Tanner Olson
If you’d like to write along with me, download the schedule here to print off.
Watch the video for the day below!
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Tanner Olson is a writer, speaker, poet, spoken-word artist, & creator of Written to Speak.
He created Written to Speak to share hope & announce love.