a prayer for teachers

A Prayer for Teachers

May this, O Lord, be for You and You alone.

I give thanks to You for the start of another beginning.

Let my every step and every word be of praise and honor to You.

With open hands, may I receive what it is You have for me.

Through it all, I pray You sustain me with your mercy and grace as I serve Your children, for I will most certainly need it.

As I enter every new day, may I do so with love.

Let Your compassion be found in my words and Your humility in my hands.

Give me the courage to lean in and stand firm and be a light in the darkness.

As I teach those You’ve entrusted under my care, slow me down to learn from those You’ve placed in front of me.

May I be mindful of their needs and dreams inside and outside of the classroom.

Grant us safety from the pains and harm of this world.

And after each day may I rest knowing You care for Your children in a way I cannot.

And that is a beautiful thing.

May this, O Lord, be for You and You alone.


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