open road

The open road has been waiting and so have I.
I’ve never hesitated to give the clear skies my worries and whys.
Even the dark drives have helped me find the light.

This is going to sound strange, but
Jesus is sitting in the passenger seat.
I told you it sounds strange.
But He’s there.
I gotta believe He is sitting right there because He cares.
And if you can’t see Him - keep driving.

Keep going.
Keep crying.
Keep seeking.
Keep driving.

I’m finding myself between rest stops and drive thrus and scenic views.
I shut the radio off and have started to realize the silence gives me clear eyes.
I’ve got the windows down so the asphalt can pull out what’s been inside.
The flowers on the roadside remind me even in the hurry beauty can grow.

Mile after mile I am beginning to remember the things I’ve forgotten that are still true.

And again I remember she loves me.
I remember He has forgiven me.
I remember there is a tomorrow after today.
I remember that even if there is not, I’ll be okay.
It’s like there has always been mercy.
And there always will be.

For more of my poetry, check out my books!

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