i should be here
Written to Speak Daily Blog. Written by Tanner Olson.
some days
it’s hard to be here
but love is here
hope is here
You are here
today is here
and i guess here
is where i should be.
i should be here.
written to speak // blog // @writtentospeak
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I’m not depressed.
At least I’m not anymore or right now.
I was.
And we can talk about that if you’d like, but not today.
As you an see, I’m still learning how to talk about these things.
But still, some days are hard.
Some days are harder than others.
And some days I just don’t want to be here.
I don’t want to leave, but some days I’d rather be anywhere but here.
I talked with a friend a few weeks back and encouraged her to write down all the things that she likes and that brings her joy.
I often do this when my mind is having a rough day.
That’s how this poem came to be.
When I stop and look around, I realize how wonderful it is to be here.
Sometimes I don’t see it right away, but with a little searching I’ll soon discover the beauty around.
And I know I should be here.
Some days it takes reminding and other days I clearly see that here is a good place to be.
Here is a good place to be.
much love,
tanner olson
written to speak