remember grace
Written to Speak Daily Blog. Written by Tanner Olson.
this if for now
but not forever
and this
like grace
is what i need to
written to speak // blog // @writtentospeak
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I do a wonderful job of forgetting what I know is true.
I know that I feel better when I workout, but couches are comfortable.
I know my body hurts when I eat bread, but biscuits are perfect.
I know I sleep better when I stop drinking coffee before 2 PM, but here I am at 7:35 PM on a Wednesday with a full cup.
And I know this is not forever, but some days, I believe this is.
Every now and again I’ll get myself worked up over what is or what was. My mind will fixate on the past or get stuck somewhere in the future.
Guilt and fear will sneak in and find all of the things I know I have been forgiven of.
And slowly they’ll disable the truth.
And for a moment I’ll forget hope exists.
And I’ll forget grace is real and it is given freely.
And I’ll begin to believe this is the end, but it’s not.
I’m slowly learning to remember grace.
And so I’ll sit with both feet on the floor and hands on my knees.
And slowly I’ll breathe in and exhale.
Breathe in and exhale.
I’ll breathe in grace and exhale peace.
Breathe in grace and exhale peace.
Breathe in grace and exhale peace.
And I’ll remember this is not forever.
Grace is.
But this is not forever.
Eternity is right around the corner.
Forever is in the future.
much love,
tanner olson
written to speak