February: Continue
Written to Speak Blog.
Written by Tanner Olson.
At the start of the year I shared my list of 12 words for 2020.
January has come and gone.
February is here.
It’s time for a new word.
There are moments throughout each day where I remind myself to continue.
It’s a deep breath.
It’s a sip of coffee.
It’s a prayer.It’s a new item added to my ongoing to-do list.
It’s a moment of fear or worry.
It’s a shameful stumble or sin that has tripped me up once again.
It’s a new page of the calendar.
(It’s wondering if I put on deodorant or not.)
It’s a reminder of mercy.
Today marks a new day on the calendar.
January is finished.
What a year January has been.
But we survived and February has arrived.
And here we are.
How does February find you?
What’s happened?
How was January?
Where do you need to speak the word continue into your life?
Is it a relationship?
Is it a dream or goal?
Is it a class or project at work?
Is it in the day-to-day?
For me, it’s this.
Writing. Speaking. Calling myself a poet.
Booking tours. Reaching out. Hoping to earn my income.
Written to Speak.
Some days, I think I’d like to pack it up and get a job with real insurance and a paycheck that comes every two weeks. Some days, I think I’d like something safe and certain. I want the 9 to 5. I want the twenty minute commute. I want the small talk over coffee or the lunch I brought from home.
But I can’t get the word continue out of mind.
I don’t think I’m being stubborn; I think I’m just being honest.
I believe in this too much to stop.
And I need to hear the word continue.
I need to speak the word continue.
I need to be reminded to … continue.
Continuing is difficult, but it is brave.
It is a brave thing to continue.
Let’s leave behind what was meant to stay in the past and continue forward.
Let’s speak the word continue straight into the fear and failures.
Let’s grab the hand of grace and the hand of mercy and step forward together.
Let’s continue.
And we know that we do not continue alone, but we continue together.
We are continuing.
And maybe this isn’t the word you need to hear or want to hear.
Maybe for you February is reminding you to begin.
Or maybe you need to hear January’s word one more time.
That’s okay.
You’re allowed to need a different word than I do.
No matter what word it is you need to hear, February is here offering a fresh opportunity to focus in on what’s to come.
Here is to continuing,
Tanner Olson
Written to Speak
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Tanner Olson is a writer, speaker, poet, spoken-word artist, & creator of Written to Speak.
He created Written to Speak to share hope & announce love.