a few reminders for today

I jotted down a few things I’d like to remember this week.
Maybe these are for you as well.

One / Make time to breathe and be. 

Before you get up and go, slow down.
Breathe in grace and exhale peace.
Just simply be.
This might sound hippie-dippie to you, but for me this takes place as soon as I sit down in my office.
Before I begin writing or responding to emails I release a huge breath.
And I just sit.
I breathe and be.
And then I begin. 

Two / Hope remains.

I cannot predict what will happen this week, but I can predict we will need this reminder.
Hope remains.
Through the pain.
Through the shame.
Through the questions.
Through the regrets.
Hope remains.

What is hope?
For me, hope is more than a feeling.
It is far from empty and leaves us full.
Hope is being confident in the promises of God.
Hope is the full assurance of what God will do. 

There is confidence and certainty in hope.
There is mystery and truth in hope.
There is life and joy in hope.
For years I have been saying hope doesn’t let the story end.
And I still believe this.
Hope doesn’t let our story end, but it invites us to continue into today and carries us beyond tomorrow. 

Three / You are more than your past.

So often I believe I am an accumulation of my past mistakes.
I limit myself to thinking that I am just that: a mistake.
It’s not true.
But often the truth is hard to believe. 

But the truth comes in and whispers, “you’ve been set free.”
The Cross was not for nothing.
Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection was not for nothing.
Grace gets the final say and grace says you are free.
You are free.

With hope,



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