What do we do with our questions?
What do we do with our questions?
by Tanner Olson
Hi Tanner!
What do you do when you are always left with more questions and not enough answers to why things are the way they are or why things are happening?
What do we do with our questions?
Are we guaranteed answers to life’s questions or are we supposed to just take things by faith and faith alone trusting God will answer in due time or in the life to come?
What if these questions keep you awake at night or leave you hopeless wondering why would God allow this?
How are we supposed to have praise be our only response even if God takes something or someone from us?
It doesn’t all feel good even though we learn God is good and works all things for good.
To send in an anonymous question/writing prompt, click here.
When the questions grow loud and you’re weighed down with wondering,
put your phone down and go outside.
Stand beneath the blue or gray or stars or sun or rain.
Take a deep breath and do it again and again until the weight empties from your shoulders.
Feel life come back into bones.
What a gift it is to be here and alive.
Look up and out and speak to God.
Shout if you need to.
Whisper if you want.
But speak out loud, not in your head.
Don’t let your questions and worries bump and bounce around your heart and soul any longer, let what is inside meet the open sky.
Let yourself hear yourself.
And when you have nothing left to shout or ask or say, sit and stay with the silence.
Let your mind trace over the truth He has written through your story.
The unending moments of faithfulness.
The continued moments of mercy.
The constant moments of forgiveness.
Remember the cross and the open tomb and the words, “I am with you always.”
Look back and remind yourself that everything is going to be okay.
Not right away, but one day.
One day.
For now, open your hands and feel that you’re holding nothing, but you are being held.
Just like you have always been.
Just like you always will be.
With hope,
Tanner Olson
About the Author
Tanner Olson is an author, poet, speaker, and podcaster living in Nashville, Tennessee.
He is the author of I’m All Over the Place, As You Go, Walk A Little Slower, and Continue: Poems and Prayers of Hope.
You can find Tanner Olson’s books on Amazon.
His podcast is The Walk A Little Slower Podcast with Tanner Olson and can be found wherever you listen to podcasts.
Tanner Olson travels around the country sharing poetry, telling stories, and delivering messages of hope.
You can follow Tanner Olson on Instagram (@writtentospeak) and Facebook where you’ll daily find encouraging words of faith and hope.
Tanner Olson wearing a Written to Wear t-shirt. grab one here: writtentowear.com