a prayer for Ukraine

Just for a moment put your phone down.
Breathe in deep and exhale.
Let us pray for the people of Ukraine.

Bring hope and protection to our neighbors in Ukraine.
May their strength be found in Your love.
May the certainty of everlasting life bring peace.
May the darkness of evil be brought into the light.
May the empty tomb continue to fill us all with hope.
In Your hands alone are we home.
Good God, save us all. 

Lord, have mercy.
Come, Lord Jesus.

Today I’m praying for the children.
I’m praying for the dogs and cats and creation in Ukraine.
I’m praying for the mothers and mothers to be.
I’m praying for those who are on their knees praying.
I’m praying for those who tremble with fear.
I’m praying for those who are simply trying.
I’m praying for those who are behind this to turn from their ways.
I’m praying for those who are holding onto the heaviness of hope.
I’m praying for those who cannot seem to make sense of what has become.
It’s all so heavy.
Come, Lord Jesus.

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