New York City
New York City
The last time I was in New York City I was a different person.
5 years will change you.
My friend Matt hosted a conference in February of 2018 for creatives and communicators.
I attended because I was stuck.
Deep within I wanted to be a writer, but the words were lost inside of me.
I was caught up in the past, overwhelmed by the present, and lost dreaming about the future.
That is just another way of telling you I am a writer.
But the main reason why I was attending the conference was to hear one of my favorite authors speak, Donald Miller.
He is also a hero of mine.
This is my list of heroes:
My brother, Tyler
Michael Jordan
Dolly Parton
Donald Miller
Jesus Christ (Obviously. Also, Savior.)
I’ve followed Miller’s work for years and without his words I’m not sure I would be a writer.
He showed me the way.
In high school I was given his book, Blue Like Jazz, and learned that I could be honest and wrestle with questions and faith and emotions. Through his writing he taught me how it was okay to do something new and how to create what only you can create.
After Don finished speaking I approached him with my notebook and pen. Back then, there weren’t many places I didn’t go without a notebook and pen. I introduced myself and told Don about my work as a writer and poet. He smiled and nodded and asked questions and called me by name. They say you shouldn’t meet your heroes, because they will let you down, but this wasn’t the case. Jesus has never let me down and Don wasn’t either.
I asked Don if he would scribble down a reminder in my notebook, something that would encourage me as I continued down the path I had started down.
I handed him my pen and he jotted down two words on the page:
And I have.
And because I’ve kept writing, I’m back in New York City.
This time I get to share poetry and tell stories at a conference.
You never know where your dream will take you, but I do know that it will change you.
Keep Writing
About the Author
Tanner Olson is an author, poet, speaker, and podcaster living in Nashville, Tennessee.
He is the author of I’m All Over the Place, As You Go, Walk A Little Slower, and Continue: Poems and Prayers of Hope.
You can find Tanner Olson’s books on Amazon.
His podcast is The Walk A Little Slower Podcast with Tanner Olson and can be found wherever you listen to podcasts.
Tanner Olson travels around the country sharing poetry, telling stories, and delivering messages of hope.
You can follow Tanner Olson on Instagram (@writtentospeak) and Facebook where you’ll daily find encouraging words of faith and hope.
Tanner Olson wearing a Written to Wear t-shirt. grab one here: