by Tanner Olson
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Today is another day,
and I don’t want us to let it pass away.
Let’s wake up early to welcome the sun
and stay up to wave away the day.
Let’s look through old photos
and say remember when.
Let’s make macaroni and cheese for dinner
and post it on the internet like it’s 2010.
Let’s dig up the dirt in the backyard
and plant some seeds.
Let’s put our phones away
and look up at the trees.
Let’s spend some time in silence
and put this all behind us.
Let’s not forget that goodness
and mercy are always on the way.
Let’s pray for peace
and joy
and watch Tommy Boy.
Let’s grow closer while staying apart.
Let’s lean in
and take this time to heal broken hearts.
Let’s order take out from the shop down the street.
Let’s go for a walk until we can’t feel our feet.
Let’s message the old friends we’re thinking of...
because we are all thinking of old friends these days.
Let’s learn how to make coffee a different way
and let’s remember it is a beautiful thing to stay.
And let’s keep going.
Because all of this is weird.
And all of this is heavy.
But this is not the end.
This is not the end.
And if you forget,
Let’s remind each other
again and again.
With hope,
Tanner Olson
Written to Speak
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Tanner Olson is a writer, speaker, poet, spoken-word artist, & creator of Written to Speak.
He created Written to Speak to share hope & announce love.