It is okay to be proud of what you have created
Written to Speak Blog.
Written by Tanner Olson.
It is okay to be proud of what you have created.
I woke up this morning to a message from a young writer asking me to read his work and give him some feedback.
I’m terrible at offering feedback.
There is beauty in everything, but different eyes see different things.
Not everyone sees what you’re doing or understands why you do what you do.
In hopes to offer a piece of beauty requires risk and faith; pushback and questioning.
But it’s worth it.
But it’s worth it.
Three months ago I released my first book, I'm All Over The Place: A Book Of Poems, Prayers, and Wonderings.
This book is full of early mornings and late nights, struggles and surprises, dreams and nightmares, heartache and overwhelming help.
As soon as the book released it felt as though I had given away the deepest corner of my heart.
(I know, that sounds dramatic, but I write poetry so get over it)
And once you give away the depths of yourself, you can’t get it back.
From its release you are allowing others to take it or leave it; hold it or pass it.
You are allowing them to call it brilliant or bust; beautiful or trash.
But this wasn’t going to stop me from releasing a book.
I responded to his message and gave him some feedback, making sure to tell him what I am learning for myself: it is okay to be proud of what you have created.
It is okay to be proud of what you have created.
No matter how others respond.
Maybe they’ll call it brilliant and beautiful.
Or maybe they’ll call it a bust and trash.
Despite what they say, you’ll have taken the risk of offering your art for others to be inspired by.
It is okay to be proud of what you have created.
much love,
tanner olson
written to speak
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Tanner Olson is a writer, speaker, poet, spoken-word artist, & creator of Written to Speak.
He created Written to Speak to share hope & announce love.