I Just Need Today To Be Easy

From Walk A Little Slower: A Collection of Poems and Other Words

I just need today to be easy.

For the rain to become sunshine.
For regrets to stay far from my heart and mind.
For the traffic to part and park
and for there to be more dogs than humans at the park. 
And I need today to be a day where I do better than rhyme park with park. 
And maybe today I won’t spill or get an unexpected bill.
And that pimple on my forehead will finally disappear.
And today when I think about the future, I won’t begin to sweat from fear.
And I don't need to see sirens in my rearview mirror. 

Give me all the green lights and smiles from strangers, but not creepy smiles, only smiles that remind me I can keep going.
And maybe today wars will cease
and you and I finally say, “Forgive me, please?” 
And today, I won’t over think or under think or forget to think, but everything will be perfectly thought-out. 
And you’ll text me back right away so I don't get lost in the wonder and wait. 
And I'll remember it’s okay for me to be this weight.
And today, I'll be on the couch by eight, unless we decide to stay out late. 

Like 9:30 late. 

And today, I just need the internet to correctly connect.
And it would be nice to be shown some respect.
And maybe today a piece of bread won’t leave me feeling completely wrecked.
And somehow, some way, nothing will chip or crash or crack.
And that ongoing pain won't come back.
And today will be the day I’ve been needing.
And today we won’t fight in the morning or afternoon or night, and we will finally fall asleep believing everything is going to be alright. 
And maybe today, I’ll get some good news, like the cancer is gone or our neighbor decided to mow our lawn.
And today, I’ll remember love has been written over my wrongs and now the radio is playing our favorite song: 

Africa by Toto.

And you and I will bless the rains down in Africa and we know, “It’s gonna take some time to do the things we never had,” but we have time. 

And it’s about time we have an easy day.

And hopefully tomorrow, too.

Walk A Little Slower (Signed Copy)
Sale Price: $9.99 Original Price: $15.00

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