For A Moment
Writing Prompts are back for the month of October.
Today’s writing prompt is FOR A MOMENT.
and for a moment nothing was holding me back or keeping me down.
i forgot about it all.
i was free.
i was finally free.
i forgot about death.
i forgot about disease.
i forgot about politics.
i forgot about division.
and i forgot about my failures.
i forget about what i was worrying about moments before.
i, for a moment, was lost in what i can only imagine was grace.
or peace.
or love.
or hope.
or all the above and then some. and maybe we are closer to heaven than we think.
Print off the list of writing prompts here.
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Discount expires on October 31st.
Tanner Olson is a writer, speaker, poet, spoken-word artist, & creator of Written to Speak.
He created Written to Speak to share hope & announce love.