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breathe and be.

These days I am reminding myself to simply inhale and exhale.

I haven’t forgotten how to breathe, but I need a reminder to breathe.

I often write how life is heavy (because it is) and hard (because it is).

And amidst the worry and fear, I forget to breathe.

And I forget to just simply be.

So here I am.

Learning again to breathe and be.

.. .. ..


sometimes i need to remind myself to breathe and be.

and sometimes i have to remind myself that it’s going to be okay. 

it may not feel like it today, but it’s going to be okay. 

today, i don’t have to worry.

and i don’t need to overthink every little thing.

I don’t have to run from fear

but i can simply breathe and be right here. 

i don’t have to fixate on what was or what is or what will be.

i just need to breathe and be.

breathe and be. and hand over every little thing.

breathe and be. 





With hope,

Tanner Olson
Written to Speak

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