
Writing Prompts are back for the month of October.
Today’s writing prompt is BEGIN.



be still as you begin
and hear the truth
you’ve forgotten once again

mercy gets the final word
and Grace is never gone
hope has been written over every single wrong

keep your eyes above and begin with love

slow down
and lean in
and hold fast
to the beauty that continues to last

and remember

there is promise in the pain
and peace in the sorrow
and just like tomorrow 
you can begin today
knowing He carried you through yesterday.

Print off the list of writing prompts here.

If you are looking for inspiration or a notebook to write in, visit
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Discount expires on October 31st.


Tanner Olson


Tanner Olson is a writer, speaker, poet, spoken-word artist, & creator of Written to Speak.
He created Written to Speak to spread hope & announce love.

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