A Prayer For Today

A Prayer For Today

i know who You are
and i know You have been
with me from the beginning
and will be until the end. 

We don’t have to guess who God is, because He tells us.
For as much of a mystery as God is, He doesn’t withhold who He is.

God is Love.
God is Kind.
God is Savior.
God is Spirit.
God is Unchangeable.
God is Creator.
God is Redeemer. 

I know who God is.
And some days I forget.
Most days … I forget.

I’m great at forgetting the Truth that is written on my heart and throughout my life.

I forget that God has been since the beginning and has been with me before my beginning.
I forget that God has taken me this far and that He is not done with me yet.
I forget that God is slow to anger and quick to love and that He is not angry with me, but loves me.
And I, from time to time, forget that He will be me with until the end and then some. 

Here is a prayer for today:

I know who You are.
And I know You have been with me from the beginning.
And You will be with me until the end and then some. 

Today and tomorrow, may I go with your glorious grace and with a promised peace that passes my understanding, but never goes past me.
Today and tomorrow, may I not try to go alone, but may I walk with You. 

May I walk with You.


much love,

tanner olson
written to speak


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New Handwritten Print Available


5 X 7
Handwritten on cardstock paper

You Are Not A Burden

Every print will look different, but similar to the photo.

Prints will be mailed in an envelope.
Prints may become wrinkled and dented while being shipped.
But that might make them look cooler.

Written to Speak Tanner Olson


Tanner Olson is a writer, speaker, poet, spoken-word artist, & creator of Written to Speak.
He created Written to Speak to share hope & announce love.

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