12 Words for 2020
Written to Speak Blog.
Written by Tanner Olson.
12 Words for 2020
Maybe you’re someone who chooses a new word each year.
Maybe you aren’t.
Maybe you will be.
A few years ago, I would pick one word for the entire year.
Each year started the same.
I would reflect on the word for a few weeks, but by the time February hit the word had started to fizzle out and fade to the back of my mind.
As the next year approached, I would be reminded of the word I had once chosen only to feel a bit of shame and guilt.
I want to try something different as 2020 arrives.
I picked 12 words for 2020.
One word for each month.
Here are a few words I’m holding onto this new year and maybe you’ll want to hold onto them as well:
01 rest.
02 continue.
03 trust.
04 abide.
05 remain.
06 breathe.
07 celebrate.
08 behold.
09 hope.
10 stay.
11 surrender.
12 wait.
I’m not sure what this year will bring, but maybe these 12 words can bring a little peace as we make our way from 2019 to 2020,
January to February,
February to March …
And who knows, maybe in April you’ll need to be reminded of the word abide.
Maybe you’ll need to remember to celebrate come July.
And perhaps this November, you’ll need to hear the word surrender.
Much Love,
Tanner Olson
Written to Speak
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Tanner Olson is a writer, speaker, poet, spoken-word artist, & creator of Written to Speak.
He created Written to Speak to share hope & announce love.