there is more to the story
Written to Speak Daily Blog. Written by Tanner Olson.
in You
love cannot fail
fear cannot prevail
Last night we sat in the dark silence reflecting and repenting before the ashes were smeared on our foreheads.
There is something about Ash Wednesday that makes me feel
very human.
Reality sets in as I stare into the mirror a reflection of a life I wish I didn’t see.
Reflect. Repent.
Failure after failure finds itself under the light and I am reminded
I have been far from right.
Reflect. Repent.
The past plays loud a song I never wanted to sing,
but I can’t seem to find the words or heart to sing a new song.
Reflect. Repent.
Depth somehow stretches and grows deeper and I feel
further and farther from where I want to be.
Reflect. Repent.
Emotions I forgot were within me are felt deeply.
Reflect. Repent.
Fear knocks loud, but I know the noise it creates is a lie.
Reflect. Repent.
And the words, “dust you are and to dust you will return” replay and rattle as if
a choir sings them in my soul.
But that’s only part of the story.
As I have written, and will continue to write,
hope doesn’t let the story end.
written to speak // blog
And it’s true.
For all I have done.
For all I have felt.
For all I have feared.
There is grace.
There is hope.
There is love.
There is more to the story.
Reflect. Repent.
Dust to dust,
Your life, my trust.
Your resurrection, hope for us. .