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Today I turn 33.

Can I be honest with you?

I woke up this morning fighting these two lies:

You’re old and you’re behind.

(but like I’ve written again and again, life is not a race and you are not behind)

But I won’t let the lies grow any louder.

Today I will tell myself again and again that I am young and I am right where I need to be, even though life doesn’t look the way I thought it would.

There are dreams that have yet to become reality and my metabolism seems to have slowed down.

The Orlando Magic have yet to become NBA Champions and I cannot seem to reach my toes when I bend over.

But I don’t want to focus on that, at least not today.

Today I am remembering that I am here and I am alive.

I am remembering life is not a race and I am not behind.

I am remembering that Jesus loves me and you and this changes absolutely everything. 

I am remembering that hope remains and good is on the way.

I am remembering to trust that I am not running out of time.

Over the years I have come to believe all of this takes courage.

It takes courage to keep going.

It takes courage to trust.

It takes courage to be honest.

It takes courage to be hopeful.

All of this takes courage, but all of this is worth it.

As I begin another new year I want to invite you into the work I have been called to.

I started Written to Speak almost 10 years ago.

What began as an idea has turned into a calling, one that I am learning I cannot do alone.

This year I want to push forward and create lasting pieces of hope for the world to enjoy. 

I want to spend my time creating poems and crafting stories to give you hope, draw you closer to God, and to remind you of His grace.

I want to take the ideas many of you have sent my way and bring them to life.

With that, I am looking for 33 new Patreon supporters.

Will you be one of them?

Support this ministry and become a Patron today!


With hope,

Tanner Olson

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